Hi All
Now as you humans know you all get wristband tickets to get into Woofstock UK but it is only right and proper that Dogs go free after all Woofstock UK is a festival by dogs for dogs. If you are on Twitter you will have seen us woofing with a regular feature at each years Woofstock UK Amadeusivan or Ama to his pals. Sadly Ama passed away last year but his baby brother Mozart has taken over the lead in the family business. Mozart is not only a great dog with a great pawsonality but is in charge of Ammy’s Delight and on Twitter @AmmysDelight So without further delay let me introduce you to the world of Ama……………..
Ammy’s Delight is a little company which makes home made dog biscuits. All biscuits are made of the best ingredients they can get. That means eggs and chicken breast from their own free range chickens and no adding of artificial ingredients or adding sugar and salt. 100% natural ingredients.
Mozart is the head tester and Marjo Biermans is the baker.
So how did this pawsome company start? It started about 3 years ago as Marjo decided that the biscuits for her dogs were full of artificial numbers and she didn’t like the idea of not knowing what she was giving to them. So, Marjo, with the help of Ama of course, started to bake her own biscuits. Ama loved them from the start and after a while Marjo started to send them to her friends on their birthday and with Christmas presents.
After a while an American friend asked Marjo from what bakery she got those beautifully made biscuits. As Marjo explained that in fact she made them herself her friend said Marjo should start her own bakery and sell them on internet. That was the beginning of Ammy’s Delight. Ama sadly passed away last year but his baby brother Mozart has taken to the family business like a duck to water. Or in this case a dog to water!
Now Marjo and Mozart sell lots of flavours like cranberries/cheese, peanut butter/bananachips, chicken/cranberries and apricots/plums/cranberries. They also do special items like a whole range of birthday presents like a birthday bone or birthday basket and seasonal items like Christmas biscuits or Easter biscuits.
They also bake on request wheat free biscuits in all flavours, completely salt free or even a bit softer for little or older dogs as the normal biscuits are very hard and therefore very good for the dogs teeth. If the customer wants they send them directly beautifully wrapped to the receiver on special occasions like a birthday and they even add a card with a special message on it. This is without any extra costs.
All Ammy’s Delight biscuits have the ingredients and a perishable date on the packs and when they are kept dry in an airtight container they last for more then a month. All their biscuits can be ordered by internet by visiting www.ammysdelight.com and they send them worldwide if the country which it is send to permits it.
It was with all the above in mind that we chose to partner with Ammy’s Delight to be the provider of our special recipe dog ticket biscuits for Woofstock UK. Marjo will also be there on the day selling Ammy’s Delights at Woofstock UK 4 August 2018 so head on over and see her.
Lucky dogs can collect their dog biscuit tickets on arrival at Woofstock UK. A special fish recipe which reflects the festivals proximity to the sea. In the meantime we highly recommend Ammy’s Delight for your natural ingredient dog treats. Great company, great ethos and great products too. So visit www.ammysdelight.com and follow them on twitter @Amadeusivan and @AmmysDelight